Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gifts that I got for Christmas!

Notebook that my in laws got me. They are so sweet for buying me these gifts.
Purple wallet that matches my purse. Thank you to my in laws. Thank you all so much!

I also got:
From Hersey park a postcard, chocolate bunny and a stuffed animal Hershey chocolate.
A book and mints from my brother Larry and his girlfriend Ruthie.
A bracelet from my uncle Jimmy and my Aunt Deana.
A necklace from my fiancee Ben that says I love you, I love you more on it.

My family and I also had an amazing dinner. We had Ham, biscuits, apple and sweet potato pie, cranberry sauce and potato salad. Everything was so good. Most of all the best meaning of Christmas is Jesus' birth. To celebrate his birth with my family is a very special thing to me. Its not all about the gifts its about Jesus and him being born in a manger, born of a virgin and to be named Immanuel which means "God with us." What an amazing truth that is. To realize that. Yeah its nice getting and receiving gifts but we give because God gives to us. Jesus came as a man but made himself nothing. I love the Christmas story and reading about Jesus' birth. I love Christmas its my favorite time of the year!

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