Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My family and friends

Daniel, Me and JD at Wednesday night service.
Ben's little brother Ian. He likes to smile. :)
Laura Beth's bridal shower.
This is a really cute picture of JD.
Ben's little brother Evan at I having fun in Texas with Ben's family.
JD not smiling like he normally does.
JD, Me and Jessica.

Daniel, Me and JD at Wednesday Night Service.
Me and my niece Raelyn.
My cousin Aidan and I. He likes to smile like me. :)
Me and Jessica during Small Group.

This is my favorite picture of JD.
Me and JD in the nursery being bored.
Me and Amy at a friend's house trying sushi.
Me and my BFF Amy.

JD lookin cute.

Mike and Amy Hilliard.
My beautiful niece Allie.
Me and Raelyn at McDonald's.
Me with my princess crown on. LOL it was Raelyn's.
Allie being a couch potato.

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