Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year has gone by so fast! I just can't believe that its almost 2010! This Christmas Season is going to be hard because my fiancee Ben is another world away. Even though I miss him so much, I'm so happy that he is in the Air Force and is serving this great country. He makes me proud! I miss his family to but they are in my prayers and I wish them the best. They sent me a package in the mail today. How thankful that I am that I have a great family. I'm so glad that I'm going to be apart of the Simon family. I look forward to being a Simon! Anyways this Christmas Eve has been great! I'm going to my friends house tomorrow to spend Christmas at their house. These are friends from church. They are really special people to me. I look forward to opening up my presents but its not about that. Its about Jesus Christ and his birth. I'm so tired of people talking about Santa Claus. Its all about Jesus not about Santa. We need to focus on that and be worshiping him and singing songs. I love Christmas time. I love the songs and most importantly remembering Jesus and him being born of a virgin and lying in a manger. I love Christ-filled songs! Merry Christmas to all! Happy New Year!

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